Blissful Marital Life

The Default Mode for a Blissful Marital Life:In other to increase the life span of marriages, couples need to have a default mode that discourages divorce. The default mode should be “No-Divorce”. Many religious persons already hold to this belief, and it has saved so many marriages from crumbling even in circumstances that would ordinary result in divorce.

A default is “a selection made usually automatically or without active consideration due to lack of a viable alternative;” while a mode is “a possible, customary, or preferred way of doing something.” Thus, a default mode is the natural or habitual way of behaving in particular situations. It is what we would do if there were no other options available to us. How does this apply to the subject of divorce and marital relationships?

When a couple makes their vows of marriage before the officiating minister and members of their families, it is often “for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, until we are parted by death according to God’s holy law.” By this vow they intend that their marriage would last until either of the couple dies. They envisage that, apart from death, no circumstance would be strong enough to lead to a divorce. They expect that this would be their default mode during their marriage.

No-Divorce is the default mode for marital relationships prescribed by the Bible, other religious books and customs all over the world. For instance, the Bible states that, the couple, after being declared husband and wife, is no longer two, but one flesh. “Therefore what God has joined together, let not man separate” (Matthew 19:6).

The Matrimonial Causes Act also envisages the No-Divorce default mode in marriages when it bars a couple from presenting a divorce within two years of their marriage, unless under exceptional circumstances; and even then, the spouse seeking a divorce must seek the leave of the court before filing a petition (section 30).

Although, Divorce is inevitable in a world of evil, hatred and corruption, spouses should still uphold and maintain the “No-Divorce” default mode. This will help to curb the spate of divorce in the world.

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